Good Morning!
One of the verses used in our Brain Detox program is from Ecclesiastes 3:11--
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Dr. Leaf, the neuroscientist who developed Brain Detox, talks about how God has set a divine purpose in our hearts and yet, toxic thoughts can derail us from fulfilling our purpose. Do you find that to be true for you?
God is so patient and full of grace but sometimes our own willingness to just continue in our bad habits, our toxic thinking or our selfishness or pride (which are all toxic!) can take us on a long side road that doesn’t lead us to what is best for us. He continues to call to us. Sometimes we continue to look for other things to fill our hearts but nothing satisfies us until we fill it with God.
It is very interesting to me that many of the people in our Brain Detox are working on the same thing even though this is a personal journey. The feeling that we are not “enough” is a strong theme going on. What a tactic of the enemy to get us to work harder, feel more inadequate and to keep us on a perpetual hamster wheel! The enemy doesn’t even have to get people to do outright sinful things….he can just let us feel unworthy, inadequate and unlovable and remind us of that often enough that we take the wheel and drive ourselves crazy!
In the end, it still ends up being the sin of idolatry though….if we can see it that way. We have set ourselves up as the ones who can come up with the best way to get more done, get people to love us, get to feeling “adequate” and what we end up focusing on is not God….therefore, it becomes an idol. I hope that makes sense!
Every time I find myself feeling overwhelmed by different areas of my life, I realize that is when I’ve taken my eyes off of God. I am not going to wish that I didn’t do that, I am recognizing when I do that and turning it back to Him. Little by little those thoughts change to “who does God say I am?” and “what does God want me to do?” and my perspective changes and I feel lighter.
I pray that for you too. God does not love you for what you do or don’t do. He just loves you.