Dine In Today!

The richness of God's Word is just creamier, more layered and more tasty than anything I've ever experienced!
It doesn't take much for me to dive deep into His promises anymore. It used to be hard to read and understand, but I think the more that we humble ourselves and trust the process, the more He reveals.
Isaiah 34:16-17 has promises that I just am going to dine on for today:
For it is His mouth that has given the order,
and His Spirit will gather them together.
He allots their portions;
His hand distributes them by measure.
They will possess it forever
and dwell there from generation to generation.
Sincerely loving Jesus and trusting in Him is all that we need to claim this promise.
He fulfills what He has planned and His mercy is never-ending.
How blessed we are to have a Father who loves us so much and that CAN'T renege on what He says. Because He is perfect and because He is God and not human, we know that He will always be consistent. And that consistency, at the heart, in each and every way is LOVE.