Abundant Life? Yes, please!

It’s the day after Christ’s resurrection celebration and it made me think of his disciples and the women who found the empty tomb. When they woke up that next day, how did their thinking change? How did they think of their lives and what they were to do? Did they wake up enthusiastic or still stunned? Did they think to themselves “what am I going to do now that I know that my Redeemer lives?” We have the benefit of knowing this whole story at once! They actually lived it out and had to consider the impact that this whole event would make on their own lives and the lives of the world. I know for me, I’d have woken up with joy uncontainable and I’d be running around telling everyone what I knew! I would be thinking of the best way to do it fast! It’s interesting that we have gotten so complacent nowadays and we are so afraid to offend anyone that we keep quiet. Jesus knocked the enemy of our lives down and conquered and defeated death and all the darkness. But, we don’t want anyone to be offended? How weird that sounds to me. I get it, though. I know not everyone believes. But, the most important way we can let people know is by acting like Jesus. Loving them. Being a true friend. No gossip. No pride. No ulterior motives. “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!” John 10:10 TPT Who wouldn’t want that? We better tell them by the way we live and love them. We can let the Lord handle the rest.