To Know & Then Do
Good Morning!
I got a reply to my message the other day from a dear friend and one that I respect very much. She is one of the least defensive people I know so I really enjoy conversing with her. It makes it easy to say things and know they won’t be taken in the wrong way. She also listens and contemplates things. She has a genuine heart and I appreciate how God brought her into my life.
This was her response to the message I sent about my inner “voice” that wants to counter what God has pressed on me to do….the voice that says I’m not worthy, not enough. I am not saying this to try to get people to pump me up but because I know that many people feel this way. I know how it feels and even though I might grow in certain areas, I still will always have the need for God, my Father to help refine me.
My friend said:
Gustave Falubert, a 19th Century French novelist, referred to the power of the only right word with "le seul mot juste". Similarly, a wise Chinese proverb claims that "to know and not to do is not to know." So since you do know what you are writing about, you have a moral imperative to do! Keep the fire burning so the rest of us can emerge from the cold!
After reading what she said, I marveled at how God works. I had been driving home from work the other day and listening to a Joyce Meyer CD that is familiar since I’ve listened to it probably a dozen times. I have many of her CDs and a lot of long drives to work over the years with lots of opportunities to listen! This one was on the Wonderful Holy Spirit. She had said that we often put our expectations on people when we should be asking God to give us what we need. We often expect our spouse or a certain person to help us or understand us when God might have someone else in mind but we are pushing our own agenda! She said we should always ask God for the needs we have and let Him decide how to help.
So, then when I got the unexpected message from my friend, I thought “yep, God, that is just like YOU!” With one little nudge from one single person who took the time out of their day to heed what God put on their heart, a mind is renewed. Sometimes God will do it through a Bible verse or a song or a prayer and sometimes it will be through His people. Watch for it!
As you go today, remember that His Word will not return empty without accomplishing what He desires. We need to get in agreement with Him and off of our own agenda! He hasn’t forgotten what He planted in our hearts! We just need to trust that even this moment in time is part of His plan
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11