The best reward
Good Morning!
As I got up early to prepare for Thalia’s graduation today, part of me wanted to rush ahead to skip over devotions.I’ve felt a little out of my normal “rhythm” lately for how my days are structured.Each day is so different than the next because of end of year things going on.I operate really well when I’m on autopilot, as most of us probably do.
But, I actually crave the time to read the Bible and pray, so I began with that.I had this little feeling inside of being “dry in spirit” only because in my normal day, I pray so often without realizing it.When I’m busy in new ways, I forget because it takes so much brain power to just keep it all together!
So, as I sat down asking God to open my heart, I began the Brain Detox process of first giving Thanks to God, Praise, and Worship; then of Gathering my thoughts from yesterday and how God led me; then of Focused Reflection on the area that God is working with me on.At this point, I heard the word in my Spirit “Ask” once again.I went to the Key Word guide in the back of my Bible for the work “ask” and it gave me the reference from Genesis where God asked Abraham to step out and that He would make a great nation come from him.
As I went back to read the story and the familiar theme I have mentioned before, I was reminded that despite the odds, Abram believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.Despite the fact that the future was so unknown and without all the answers, Abram moved forward in obedience to God based on his belief and faith in God.The future of the world hinged on that choice!
The part that really popped out at me this time I read it, though, was that God said to Abram:
“Do not be afraid, Abram.I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1
Oh my goodness.The power in that one verse!!
I know most of us have our hope in God and there has likely been something we feel God has whispered to us about our future.We don’t always listen and we sometimes might think it’s us talking to ourselves, but I do know that He wants to give us a purpose and make us a light in the world.If what He says to you in your spirit has to do with that, I believe it is in accordance with God’s will.Here is the scary part for a lot of us at this moment: we don’t know the future so sometimes just getting through today is hard enough.
I believe we each need to remember this:
Our Father God says to us:
Do not be afraid, _(your name)__________
I am your shield,
Your very great reward
Take the step today.Just the simple obedient step toward what He asks, in accordance to His Word which is our guide, to move in the direction He has put on your heart.It could be to let go of something, it could be to open your heart and mind to an area He has been working on, it could be to move forward boldly.Whatever it is, He is your shield and your very great reward.You do not need to be afraid.