Bonfire Living
Good Morning!
When I woke up this morning I was wondering why I was feeling kind of blah. I didn’t have something to put my finger on. I thought out my day and whether there was something I wasn’t looking forward to, but that wasn’t it.
I was listening to a sermon while I made the kids’ lunches and put away dishes and felt that pressing to just be still and so I did and it became more clear to me.
In the past when I felt like I didn’t know where to focus my energy and thoughts and time, I prayed and got the image of fires. Whatever you put more fuel on, that is the fire that will stay alive. What fires did I want to keep alive? What fires would I just as soon let die off on their own? I think for each of us we innately know what those different fires are.
Since we all are here for a Faith connection, clearly we want our God fire alive. Most would say they want their Family & Friends fire alive. If you have a strong sense of purpose in this world, you would want that fire alive. What about your Fear fire? What about your Anxiety fire? What about your ….. (fill in the blank) fire?
It is interesting how often we feed fires that we don’t even want to stay alive. Maybe we say we “can’t help it.” Or, maybe we claim “that’s just how I am.” I beg to differ.
If we have the Spirit of God living in us, then we have a Spirit of self-control, power and love.
--2 Timothy 1:7
It seems obvious to me, when I just take a few minutes to reflect, that if I feel sad, burdened, blah, whatever! ….that I have been putting fuel on the wrong fire. When I go back to putting fuel on the Trust fire, the Loving God with All My Heart/Soul/Mind/Strength fire and the Loving My Neighbor as Myself fire, suddenly I have new zeal and I know what to do!
Sometimes it’s hard to know where to find that fuel, right? I find it when I get still and listen to God & when I go to His Word. I might sometimes listen to a sermon or play a praise song that refills my spirit. But one thing I know for sure, when I put fuel on the right fires, I am always blazing for what God wants me to do… wonder He gave me my name, On Fire J
Have a blessed fiery Friday!