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Sweetness that Satisfies!

Good Morning!

It is so interesting to me how so many things come together in ways that make sense.

As some of you know, On Fire is leading a Sugar Detox. We had just finished Brain Detox and focused on mental changes by the power of God’s Word and then we started on Sugar Detox where we make physical changes….and for me, it is also through the power of God’s Word.

I started Brain Detox for another round (each one is 21 days) at the same time that we started Sugar Detox because I believe it all goes hand in hand. When your thinking is off, it is hard to make good physical choices too.

Our 11-year-old son is doing Sugar Detox along with me. Yesterday, he was eating a grapefruit which normally is way too sour for him. He had thought it was an orange when he cut into it and then realized what it was. He still decided he’d go ahead and try it. He noticed that it had a sweetness to it. My mom, who is also doing Sugar Detox, said the same thing. Now, admittedly, it might be a really good grapefruit, but I still think the sweetness would not have been as pronounced if our taste buds were still being tainted by sugar.

Since we are 9 days into the detox, our taste buds have woken up to real food and real sweetness. People are telling me that their cravings are gone and they aren’t as hungry. They feel satisfied and that this week has been one of the best ever! And it has just been through eating real food without all the added sugars!

It just made me marvel at how much this is like God and this world. When we are subtly tainted by what the world says and what it tells us will make us happy, we need more and more of that fake substitute and yet we are not satisfied. As long as we keep listening to the world, we will never get to taste the real sweetness of what God offers. When we put aside the things of the world, focus on God and what He says, learn to wire our minds to the way He says we should take ALL our thoughts captive to Him, then we taste the real satisfying sweetness of what He offers.

……let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us Hebrews 12:1

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

I hope you will consider an area where you’ve let the subtle sweetness of the world seep in and recognize it and then taste and see what the Lord offers! It is the sweetest and most pure satisfying way to live!


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