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Heart on Fire

Good Morning!

Yesterday I finished the book I’d been reading. It was Power of Covenant that I mentioned before. I love it when there are books that get you excited to read them and I plowed through it so fast. When I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel excited because the book was done! I said, “God, I need something to get me excited!” I sat down to read the second to last day of the devotional Set My Heart on Fire and that did it.

“Dream big because anything less than a big vision is unworthy of our great God.” This was something Henrietta Mears said. If you don’t know about her, look her up. Big faith and Big impact!

As the author of Set My Heart on Fire reminded me, in your earthen vessel you will face the same trials Paul and other disciples faced: affliction, perplexity, persecution, setbacks, and outward decay. But because of the Holy Spirit in you, you have something the rest of the world does not have—hope. Paul tied this hope to the power of the Holy Spirit:

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13

We should pray to have “hope against hope” like Abraham. It is a faith that holds onto God’s promises and watches eagerly for what God will do.

I told my mom a few weeks back that I had this recurring thought inside “reckless faith.” I wasn’t sure that sounded appropriate lol. She reminded me that to the world it would look reckless but it is not when it is founded on God.

“When the Holy Spirit comes and fills you, you are saturated with the presence of God, and your heart begins to burn on fire for Christ. There is no mistaking a heart on fire for Christ.”

The author asks us to consider committing to being sold out for Christ and live for Him as long as we have breath. “The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

Tomorrow, I will share some of those commitments to having a heart on fire for Christ, but today, just know that God is the one that puts that hope and fire in us. We don’t have to make it up or try to find it. He does it. Ask and you will receive!

Happy Monday!


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