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Trample Negativity!

I had no sooner posted yesterday's faith devotions and we had one snafu after another! One slightly major one involved a gallon of curdled milk emptying itself out in the carpeted trunk of our SUV …..the same car that had been detailed the week before. Plans quickly changed to include going back to the detail place to have them get that spilled milk out! Did I cry over the spilled milk? Nope! I said, “Satan, I am NOT impressed!” J

Over the last few days, I’ve been in a major planning mode. I’ve prayed for a long time about the direction of On Fire since I could go in many directions and sometimes have too many ideas! I found some pretty amazing confirmation from a friend the other day—unexpected, but a direct answer! I also have been slowing down enough to look for opportunities to “hear” people. I don’t know how else to explain it, but I feel like not having a huge agenda opens me up more to just “be still.” The amazing thing is that the time that I’ve set aside to make my business plan and go through the book that Marm got me, has been productive and super effective. I just love how God does that! I think we have to go and do what He asks but be ready for a change of plans at any moment!

The other day I was having some “creeping condemnation” thoughts in my head. We are always having internal conversations with ourselves. It is either going to help lift us up or it’s going to keep pressing us down. After having gone through the 21 day Brain Detox which involves God’s Word, I have practiced the positive talk a lot. When those condemning thoughts were coming up, at the same time that I was busy and not really focusing on them, I immediately could see how those thoughts were not based on what God says. Whether it is Satan trying to keep us pressed down or our own old patterns, I am choosing not to listen. I started to hear flooding thoughts of Scripture and love. It felt like God just pouring out everything good to overwhelm those old negative thoughts.

I read in a devotion this morning:

You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. Psalm 91:13

Just as Eve was taunted in the garden by Satan, Jesus was taunted in the desert. What is Satan’s objective? To create just enough doubt to get to your vulnerability. What is the solution? Answer with God’s Word. How simple, right? But, if we have to recognize what’s going on and then have the built-in words that God says about us, or we will revert back to the old sinful pattern……and we won’t even see it for what it is!

He has given us the authority to trample on lions and cobras and serpents! Those are pretty powerful and I’m pretty sure could overtake me! But, He gives us His authority and power.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. — John 3:17

No more “creeping condemnation” thoughts! Recognize those doubts and submit them to the authority of Jesus who is more than capable of handling them!

“….we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Bless you!


P.S. I will be hosting a 21 day Brain Detox based on God’s Word after Easter! If you are interested, let me know, and I’ll send you more info as we get closer!

....and that's my cousin Reid's gorgeous photo!

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