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Power Up for TODAY, not tomorrow

Good afternoon! A topic that came up is strongholds. I think of strongholds as anything we set up in our minds to have power over us. It can be worry or doubt. It can be something we find ourselves making plans to change or pray will get better... Over and over and over again. Why are we unable to break down the stronghold and make lasting changes? The first thing that needs to be said is we ARE able, because HE is able. One of the lies of Satan is that we won't ever be able to change. That is a lie. "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them (evil spirits), because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" 1John 4:4 The second thing is that we give in to temporary pleasure. We believe the lie that "tomorrow I will do better, have more motivation or be stronger." We believe that God might reveal a different way that will suddenly pull us up outta the pit we are in. Satan will use any means possible to delay, defer or distract you. If you are relying on your own power, then yes! Maybe tomorrow you will be a bit more energized and enthused. Maybe you will find a cool new diet or the perfect quote to get you excited! But what happens when that wears off? Cuz you know it will. No, the answer lies in this: submitting to God and believing you already have the power in you today, in this moment, because God's power lives in you. The longer Satan can distract you with lies to make you wait, the more power he gains. Yep, I'm talking about Satan a lot. It's because he is the father of lies and when we see him for what he is and how he fools us, we can take back control by the power of God alone. So, before you wait until tomorrow, start with today and right now. The more you practice self-control in the present moment, the more power you will have because you will be acting on the promises of God. I will even say out loud "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." His power works, it lasts and it is truth. What lies are you believing? Ask the Spirit to make you aware. Confess them and then replace them with one of God's promises. The one I've been carrying around on a notecard and memorized is "That is what some of you WERE. But you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified, by the Lord Jesus Christ" Power up, people! Jennie

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