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Fiery Freedom

Hello Everyone!

Some of you are in our little google group On Fire Faith and get emails and some are not, but I just wanted to update everyone on what has been going on with On Fire and me lately and let you know a little bit about the future thoughts I have.

If you'd like to be a part of our On Fire Faith community, please message me!

I'm so blessed to be able to write a check to the charity we support called Pravaham. If you don't know the details of the story, I will share with you, but I think most of you know it. I am finalizing the amount that I will be sending them for the year, but all that YOU have done to help support my mission with On Fire is part of helping these girls in India to make a better life for themselves and their families and villages. Despite their poor conditions, they express the assurance that God loves them! I get chills at the thought of that every time.

If you desire to help support these girls and On Fire, please let me know by Sunday. A check will be wired to them in early December.

As most of you know, I've had a bit of another slowdown with my tummy issues. It's been a year since my intestine ruptured. I've had 2 open belly surgeries and a colostomy that came and went :) I now have several hernias that are pushing through the scar that goes vertically down my belly. I am looking for a surgeon who can repair this. I think I'm considered a "hot mess" hahaha, so this is more of a challenge, but not beyond what God can do! God will provide! Prayers for the best surgeon would be so appreciated!

Even though I've not been able to teach my exercise classes, I am using the time to "get fit" mentally and emotionally :) I spend extra time in prayer and devotion. I walk and pray. God is good and He reminded me that at the start of my On Fire journey one of the spokes of the wheel was going to be On Fire Freedom. That is exactly what I've been experiencing. Freedom from the coulda/woulda/shoulda's :) Freedom from expectations of what I think the plan is, and just letting Him guide me and give me peace. Freedom from being perfect or trying to somehow achieve perfection....and on and on. Catch my drift?

All of what I'm doing and going through is part of His plan. I will be using it in my coaching and I fully trust that God uses all things to weave together for His purpose.

As I saw a diabetic patient yesterday, I told him that the sooner he got his blood test to show he was improving, the sooner he could "graduate" from my program that I've been working on with him. He said "but this is what keeps me on track!" He didn't want to get his blood tested because it might mean he wouldn't be coming back for more "atta boy" encouragement. THAT is exactly why I think it is hard to do all of this on our own and why I continue to run challenge groups and support groups. We need to be connected to others and keep our focus. I'm looking forward to amping that up more!

My hope is to that during these holidays you and I can focus on the beautiful parts and lose a little of the rushing and busyness. I am preparing for January 2017 and if you want to be a part of the beauty of getting Fit in more than just your outward appearance, I'd love to connect more with you..... or reconnect and start anew!

Thank you for all the love, prayers and continued support of On Fire! God's words do not return void. He is at work even when we don't see it! I'm excited to be on the path of what He is doing!

Much love to you and STAY ON FIRE!


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