To Know & Then Do
Good Morning! I got a reply to my message the other day from a dear friend and one that I respect very much. She is one of the least...
Even in this uncertain time: Peace
Good Morning! My friend Sheila underwent another surgery for removal of cancer. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer over a year ago...
Complete Joy! Even in this world
Good Morning! “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11 Jesus said that to his...
A couple ways to reduce sugar cravings!
Sunday Funday! Today is the day I try to meal plan and make sure I have food set for the week so we don't fall back on pre-made, boxed or...
The best reward
Good Morning! As I got up early to prepare for Thalia’s graduation today, part of me wanted to rush ahead to skip over devotions.I’ve...
Set Apart for Good
Good Morning Our pastor spoke yesterday from 1 Peter about Fighting the Good Fight. The first part that struck me was the definition of...
Fighting Flaming Arrows
Good Morning! I did it. After learning how to grow healthy thought trees, I chose to water the unhealthy thought tree last night and it...
Stay Strong
Good Morning! I listened to a sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley on Satan’s Strategy. I ended up taking notes because it hit home. It wasn’t...
Bonfire Living
Good Morning! When I woke up this morning I was wondering why I was feeling kind of blah. I didn’t have something to put my finger on. ...
Sweetness that Satisfies!
Good Morning! It is so interesting to me how so many things come together in ways that make sense. As some of you know, On Fire is...